Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Twitters

While I'm not sure what Twitter is, I can tell you that it makes up the other half of this particular web presence. If you want to see it, you can meet me behind the dumpster, go to and make your way to @MuffinOrABeet, or click here maybe.

I'll see what I can do about rigging up some sort of connection between the blog and the Twitter account. Until then, go live your life.

1 comment:

  1. Please take this not personally but, you young people today, living out loud on that internet, blissful and care-free...
    Maybe I am, as you've said before (almost on a daily basis) self-absorbed (which is true) but, I do believe it is clear that this blog post was directed, in part, at me. You know how I fondly refer to 'twittering' as "queefing". While I appreciate you posting at me Kyle, at this juncture in our friendship I cannot bring myself to visit twitter/queefer. I have been there once before (possibly twice, it's hard to tell) and I was only left confused and angered. When I see popular sites like 'Mypage' or 'Queefer' or the 'CountenanceBook', much like when I look at Our Lady of Gaga or Ke$ha (sic) or most anything in popular culture, I will try to decipher what is happening, often without success. I realize something is going on but, I'm never quite sure what that is. It is all just hieroglyphs to me. And when I can understand what is happening, I am more often than not, left asking myself "why is this happening?"
    Also, young folks today (a popular idiom among curmudgeons) do not filter themselves or the content they put out there on that world wide internet. Any possible dangers are ignored for the sake of letting people know who they are and what they like. The content is usually pretty banal. I find it difficult to care about what time people got drunk, what song they were listening to at a certain point in time, how their shirt is "wrinkly as shit" or that they find Charlie Sheen "LOL". I am left with the impression that all social networking sites (and all things young people associate themselves with) will be as equally confusing and frustrating to me.
    While I am certain that your 'queefer' site is done for the sake of entertainment and not out of some unexamined narcissism, I cannot leave my pretenses behind and visit 'queefer'. There may come a day when I finally get over myself but, not at the time of writing this. Please do not take my rejection of the 'queefer' personally.
    I am also certain that your posts would be genuinely interesting. And I am truly interested in anything you have to say, however minute or mundane you may feel it to be because, you are Kyle and Maggie and I like you (individually, and as a team).
    There is not doubt that I am interested in anything you two have to say so, I ask of you, while I may miss out on what you 'queef' on the internet please, if you see me in person feel free to 'queef' on me.
